Finding A Suitable Yoga Teacher Who Is Right For You……


“A wise teacher guides and sustains our momentum and discipline but can’t do it for us; ultimately we empower and uplift ourselves.”

There are many reasons why a first experience of yoga can be off-putting. Or, later down the line, we start to wonder why we’re in the class we go to. But the reality is we change. And our yoga teacher might change too. We are evolving creatures, physically, emotionally and mentally. It’s easy to identify when the time of a yoga class is no longer a fit for us, but perhaps less so when our internal landscape shifts.

The reality is it’s not at all easy to find the right class, but there are a number of useful tips for successfully discovering the perfect yoga class for you.  – be assured, it doesn’t matter how highly you score on the newbie scale, and whatever your age or shape, there’s a class for you. As the saying goes: “If you can breathe, you can do yoga.”

How do you spot a good class? A well-trained yoga teacher will be able to accommodate all people into their class. If you’re in with a good one, you’ll notice that there are all ages and abilities taking part in the class and most of these people are too busy with their own practice to notice anyone else. It is important, though, to be firm about three things.

1. You want to choose a class that suits your ability and interest. There will be beginners who prefer a physically challenging and strong class, while others, a gentler class. Some will prefer a meditative approach while others will want yoga for athletes. The choice is vast. It’s wise to contact the teacher beforehand to find out about the type of class, let them know what your yoga experience is and any physical issues you have. 

2. It is important to like your teacher. Talkative yoga teachers aren’t for everyone, fast or slow pace is a personal preference – your reason for not enjoying a teacher’s class is never petty. It is your yoga and you and the teacher should be a good fit. Yoga teachers understand they will never suit everyone. A good teacher will develop their own style over time and teach from a place of authenticity. If this means some students prefer another teacher, that is inevitable; they will understand.

3. It is also important your teacher is well-trained. When you contact a teacher about attending a class, ask about their training and how they can accommodate any particular physical conditions you might have. Signs of a good teacher are that they will answer these questions easily and will make new students feel welcome and comfortable.

Lastly, find a class that you can attend regularly, that way you’ll experience the benefits. You may love a yoga teacher, but the class is located across town at the end of your busiest day. Try as you may, you attend infrequently. It is ideal if you can find another class and teacher that you like as much that is more convenient. That way, you’ll attend classes regularly. You can go to the class or even workshops of that wonderful teacher that is so far away infrequently but still get the benefits from your regular local class.

In essence, shopping around for your perfect yoga class is well worth it. You’ll know when you find it. It will be the one that has you floating out of the class on a cloud. Then you’ll ask yourself why you didn’t start sooner. We all do.

Written by Diana O’Reilly  and published on

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