Articles: Miscellaneous

Title Excerpt

March 9, 2025
Considering becoming a certified yoga teacher? Ask yourself these six questions before signing up: 1. Are you a good fit? In my opinion, yoga teacher training only benefits people who want to teach. It’s a good idea to have at …

February 23, 2025
With the proliferation of online yoga tutorials and even YouTube, more and more yogis are practicing at home in front of their laptops. But as a yoga teacher who even has a few online videos of his own, I still …

February 16, 2025
“A wise teacher guides and sustains our momentum and discipline but can’t do it for us; ultimately we empower and uplift ourselves.” There are many reasons why a first experience of yoga can be off-putting. Or, later down the line, …

February 2, 2025
“Yoga is not about self-improvement or making ourselves better. It is a process of deconstructing all the barriers we may have erected that prevent us from having an authentic connection with ourselves and with the world.” – Donna Farhi Each …

January 27, 2025
Yoga is a way to restore our lost wholeness, our integrity as complete human beings, by unifying the personality around a centre that is silent, unbounded, spacious, and joyful. The techniques of yoga are methods of purifying the nervous system …

November 18, 2024
The connection between our bodies and the universe around us has long been acknowledged in ancient wisdom traditions. Both yoga and astrology are tools that help us tune into the cycles of life, explore the depths of our inner selves, …

November 11, 2024
Moving from the stability of earth, through the flow of water, the passion of fire, and lightness of air, we reach the element that makes everything else possible: ether or ‘space’. Ether is both nothing and everything at the same …

November 7, 2024
Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for healing the body, as powerful as physical therapies. When our minds are cluttered …

October 31, 2024
“Diwali is a reminder of our inner light. When your mind is calm, your heart is open and you will feel that light, you will feel that love.” Sri Swami Vishwananda.  The YTF wishes all our Hindu members a Diwali …

October 30, 2024
“Go within.  Use the inner body as a starting point for going deeper and taking your attention away from where it is usually lodged, in the thinking mind.”  –            Eckhart Tolle How do we re-learn …

October 20, 2024
“When an asana (pose) is done correctly, the body movements are smooth, and there is lighhtness in the body and freedom in the mind. When an asana is felt as being heavy, it is wrong. You must try to impart …

October 10, 2024
” You are a multidimensional creature. Your awareness manifests on many different planes. Yoga introduces you to yourself and trains you to live fully and gracefully at every level of your being. From the Hatha postures that strengthen and tone …

September 29, 2024
As humans we all experience various forms of suffering. While caught in the midst of our universal patterns of suffering we have a tendency to get stuck in states of mind that decrease our ability to process what is happening. …

September 1, 2024
“Wrapped within young leaves: the sound of water.”  ~ Soseki Wrapped within young leaves is the sound of water that will nourish them once they have opened. It’s already there prompting them to unfold and grow. To believe that this …

August 21, 2024
Shakti mudra, known as the gesture of power, is a powerful mudra that symbolizes the divine feminine energy, creativity, and inner strength. This mudra is particularly beneficial for calming the mind, enhancing emotional stability, and evoking deep relaxation. By focusing …

August 14, 2024
According to Shaivism, one of the major branches of yogic philosophy, there is a divine masculine energy that takes the form of the Hindu god, Shiva, and a divine feminine energy that takes the form of the goddess, Shakti. Both Shiva and Shakti are alive in both men …

August 9, 2024
Patterns define our lives. Look around you right now; look carefully and you will notice the patterns surrounding you. Look up; you will see things that are high. Look down; you will see things that are low. Listen; you will …

August 4, 2024
“The Divine Goddess. The Powerful Devi. Prakriti, That Which Is Manifested. The Mother of All Creation. The Sorceress. The Destroyer of Evil. The Seductress. The One Who Danced with The Lord. The Earth Mother. The Seen. The One Who Brought …

July 28, 2024
Ready to try dry brushing? This traditional Ayurvedic practice, also called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the natural process of detoxification in the body. Garshana is traditionally done using raw silk or linen gloves, …

July 21, 2024
Cold showers are almost universally loathed – but what if they could be used as a tool for healing and well-being? It might make you cringe, but many yogis and other wellness experts say they can. Ishnaan, or cold- water …

July 14, 2024
Lowered immunity is primarily a vata imbalance, and a state of depletion, dryness, and low digestive fire (agni). Below are various Ayurvedic tools to reduce vata when you first start to feel the onset of something:   Avoiding any cold …

July 9, 2024
Yoga isn’t just about stretching and bending; it’s about igniting the internal fire within us. It’s about kindling that energy, nurturing it, and allowing it to flow through our body, mind, and spirit. This is where the importance of building …

June 15, 2024
The advice to “use your core” is often given in yoga classes to help us do poses more effectively. And yet, many of us have less knowledge of the core than we care to admit. Being capable of using our …

June 10, 2024
The Sanskrit word ‘tapas’ is most often translated as ‘discipline’, which for most people, is not a very attractive word. We tend to feel that discipline is something that that binds us and keeps us from going with the flow. …

June 6, 2024
When we are comfortable we are not steady. We are not sitting erect. But when we are erect, we are so stiff. We are not comfortable. You get it? You are erect, steady and at the same time comfortable. Sthira …

May 31, 2024
Bhakti means “devotion” or “love”, and this Sanskrit term originates from the root word “bhaj,” which translates as “devotion, worship or to serve God”. The word “yoga” translates as “union” or “to yoke”. Thus, Bhakti Yoga is understood as the …

May 20, 2024
 Surrender can be described as the practice within yoga of letting go of struggle and control. It is linked to the concept of trust. Surrender, as a practice, is referred to by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras as the niyama of ishvara pranidhana, which means “to …

May 14, 2024
” Surrender to what is.  Say yes to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you” – Eckhart Tolle, The Power Of Now 

April 7, 2024
From the frequently quoted ‘sound of the universe’ to its reported power as a means to unite those around us, Om (or Aum) is a small word that carries a multitude of meaning. We’ll take a brief look it the …

April 3, 2024
Whatever has happened, has happened for good. Whatever is happening is also for good. Whatever will happen, shall also be for good. What have you lost that you cry for? What did you bring that you have lost?  What did you create …

March 30, 2024
The YTF wishes all of those members who celebrate a very happy and restorative Easter. May life’s healing and richest blessings realise us all!

March 23, 2024
“When life’s strong winds come blowing, bend with them and let go. By bending you will become stronger in new places. By letting go you will be making room for the new and better.” –  Karen Salmansohn  Just like wind …

February 27, 2024
When you are so graced, there is a refraining from the habit of distraction and a turning inside. Instead of being reactive to what is arising in the play, you turn inside to feel into the internal response. It is …

February 15, 2024
Our thoughts have power and our minds are like windows through which we see and interpret the world. Cleaning these windows until they are clear is what we aim to do in Yoga. We do this so that we can see …

February 1, 2024
“Cultivate the art of listening to your intuition, your inner voice. This is the guidance of your heart. It’s a voice that speaks differently from the one in your head. The heart whispers softly; the head rambles loudly. The head …

January 25, 2024
With the proliferation of online yoga tutorials and even YouTube, more and more yogis are practicing at home in front of their laptops. But as a yoga teacher who even has a few online videos of his own, I still …

January 13, 2024
“A wise teacher guides and sustains our momentum and discipline but can’t do it for us; ultimately we empower and uplift ourselves.” There are many reasons why a first experience of yoga can be off-putting. Or, later down the line, …

January 4, 2024
Welcome to a New Year! Below are some gentle reminders of the teachings for your successful, healthy and fulfilling Yogic New Year as per Swami Sitaramananda. Happiness is within, calm the mind with Yoga practice to find happiness. Peace inside …

December 25, 2023
“May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy.May all beings be safe.May all beings awaken to their true nature.May all beings be free.”- Metta Prayer Wishing you  peace and love in abundance over the festive season going forward …

December 11, 2023
“When we are constantly doing something, we are simultaneously constantly stimulating our nervous systems to the point of exhaustion – and an overexerted, depleted nervous system can most certainly give birth to an array of health problems, as well as …

December 6, 2023
Resting is an art. We continually try to relax but don’t really know how to do it. Often, we feel that we should do more important things first, so that we can enjoy a well-deserved rest later.  But somehow the …

November 5, 2023
Children are bearing the effects of stress more than ever before in any time of history. Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and fear have crept into the minds of our children. The time is now to address this. The world has …

November 2, 2023

October 23, 2023
From a very young age, music played a vital role in my life. As my life continued, so did my music journey. I received classical training in the piano from the age of 6 and later the flute when I …

October 12, 2023
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you struggling to find a moment’s peace and relaxation from the stress of everyday life? Knowing that you aren’t alone probably isn’t enough to make you feel better. But rest assured that because this is …

October 4, 2023
In a fast-paced world full of digital distraction and endless demands on our time and energy, more and more people are living with chronic stress and anxiety. The causes of mental health issues are varied and complex, but if you …

September 20, 2023
The Bowspring method is an enervating postural template that can be applied to any yoga pose, athletic movement or functional posture for optimal performance. It is a relatively new (ten years now) and revolutionary way of consciously working with the …

September 15, 2023
We usually don’t talk about the spine much in our yoga classes – you are much more likely to hear something about your hips, hamstrings or arms. Yet the spine is the structural and energetic centre of the body. From …

September 9, 2023
“Wrapped within young leaves: the sound of water.”  ~ Soseki Wrapped within young leaves is the sound of water that will nourish them once they have opened. It’s already there prompting them to unfold and grow. To believe that this …

September 1, 2023
Cultivate the art of listening to your intuition, your inner voice. This is the guidance of your heart. It’s a voice that speaks differently from the one in your head. The heart whispers softly; the head rambles loudly. The head …

August 22, 2023
Our body is a complex structure with layers of physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. The astral or energy body is a complex system governed by energy centres known as chakras. Anahata Chakra, also called Heart Chakra, is the fourth energy …

August 9, 2023
Today I’m flying low and I’m not saying a word. I’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep. The world goes on as it must, the bees in the garden rumbling a little, the fish leaping, the gnats getting eaten. And so forth. But I’m taking the …

August 2, 2023
The practice of Yogic breathing affects the human body in very predictable ways. The Sanskrit word, “pranayama” literally means the control of our life energy (prana). Prana is a bright and lively form of energy that is more subtle than …

August 2, 2023
With its qualities of lightness, clarity and movement, the air element has been connected to gods, goddesses and deities for thousands of years. In ancient Greece, the four wind gods governed north, south, east and westerly directions, and were considered …

July 20, 2023
“[Since childhood] we are taught to ignore sadness, to stuff it down into our satchels and pretend it isn’t there. As adults, we often have to learn to hear the clarity of its call. That is wintering. It is the …

June 15, 2023
The practice of Restorative Yoga can be defined as a yoga practice in which we support the body to such an extent that we feel safe enough to completely relax the body and mind. The postures are restful and are …

June 7, 2023
“Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”– Paul Theroux Resting is an art.  We continually try to relax but don’t really know how to do it. Often we feel that we should do more important things first, so that …

May 31, 2023

May 26, 2023
While turmeric is mostly praised for its anti-cancer properties, yogis have their own reasons for loving this special root. Here are five reasons why you’ll love this special spice, too! Detoxifies One of turmeric’s most amazing actions is that it …

May 13, 2023
Very few humans, if any, escape suffering in their lives. And whilst this is not something to dwell on, it is comforting to know there are ways to help us when darkness descends, in whatever form that may be – …

May 4, 2023
Join Susan Sloan at Studio Kairos in Dunkel West, Johannesburg every Monday afternoon and Saturday morning starting on the 08th May 2023 for 26 classes of Hatha Yoga. You will over this period receive gentle coaching to feel the transformation …

April 20, 2023
The Sandton Yoga Lounge is offering a 500-hour teacher training course that is unlike any other currently on offer in South Africa. We provide a course that is extremely comprehensive in all aspects, deeply spiritual and which provides you with …

April 15, 2023
Ang Sang Wahe Guru, “Spirit is within every cell and fiber of my being.”  The word Spirit is often described in yoga as the Breath of Life. The Holy Spirit, the breath, is what sustains, fills, strengthens and protects us. …

February 19, 2023
When you are so graced, there is a refraining from the habit of distraction and a turning inside. Instead of being reactive to what is arising in the play, you turn inside to feel into the internal response. It is always …

February 12, 2023
Our thoughts have power and our minds are like windows through which we see and interpret the world. Cleaning these windows until they are clear is what we aim to do in Yoga. We do this so that we can see …

January 21, 2023
Is yoga meant only to remove structural disorders and emotional stresses and strains, or has yoga something more to offer? In the beginning all of us are motivated to get rid of physical or emotional problems. When we get relief …

January 19, 2023
“You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love …

January 13, 2023
Yoga is a way to restore our lost wholeness, our integrity as complete human beings, by unifying the personality around a center that is silent, unbounded, spacious, and joyful. The techniques of yoga are methods of purifying the nervous system …

December 25, 2022
“May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to their true nature. May all beings be free.”- Metta Prayer Wishing you  peace and love in abundance over the festive …

December 16, 2022
No one I know began this year on a full tank. Given the vicious onslaught of the previous two years (let’s just call it what it was) most of us dragged ourselves across the finish line of 2021… frazzled, spent, …

November 21, 2022
A morning detox drink made with fresh lemon, raw honey, ginger and sometimes other spices (like turmeric or cinnamon) helps keep the digestive system in order, clear accumulated toxins and rev up appetite. It is beneficial for priming the body to metabolize …

November 9, 2022
“The sun is new each day.” ~ Heraclitus. Sunrise is a magical time. Every morning as the sun sneaks above the horizon casting warm rays of golden light across the world, it marks the beginning of a new day. A …

October 29, 2022
So many of us turn to yoga to help navigate stress, anxiety, depression, and more. But you’re doing yourself a disservice if you rely on your teacher as a mental health counsellor. When you practice yoga, you may feel an …

October 26, 2022
Because traumatized people often have trouble sensing what is going on in their bodies, they lack a nuanced response to frustration. They either react to stress by becoming “spaced out” or with excessive anger. Whatever their response, they often can’t …

October 19, 2022
When physicians use the word “depression,” they don’t mean feeling disappointed or blue, or grieving a loss—normal moods that everyone experiences from time to time. Clinical depression is a persistently sad, hopeless, and sometimes agitated state that profoundly lowers the …

October 12, 2022
Mantras are sacred words or phrases with a specific meaning and vibrational power. They come from an ancient tradition of using sacred sounds to shine light on aspects of ourselves and of life that we wish to heal, transform, manifest …

October 6, 2022
One of the hallmarks of the practice of yoga is its ability to combine conscious body movements, intentional breath, and awareness of sensations, thoughts, and emotions. The various techniques utilized in each one of these segments of the practice hone …

October 2, 2022
” What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson  

September 1, 2022
” Again, the season of Spring has come and a spring – Source rises under everything, a moon sliding from the shadows.” – Rumi Take a comfortable seat and bring your awareness  to your breath. Take smooth, even breaths in and out …

August 24, 2022
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, …

August 15, 2022
It is said that if life hands you something of value like lemons, you should then create what is possible from that given value, like by making lemonade. You can’t go and make orange juice if you are handed lemons. …

August 11, 2022
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao Tzu The term Svadhyaya literally means ‘one’s own reading’ or ‘self-study’.The word itself is made up of Sva, meaning own, self, or the human …

August 7, 2022
“In order to be able to give fully, teachers must be full themselves.” There’s no doubt that, amongst other things, teaching yoga is an act of service, and as the Bhagavad Gita tells us, it’s not about the ‘fruits’ of …

July 24, 2022
Just like the moon flows through phases, ebbing and flowing with the tides of nature, humans also move in cycles. Throughout a day, week, month and beyond, our energy, bodily functions and emotions are constantly wavering. Yet, in a linear …

July 20, 2022
It’s a strange thing about the human mind that, despite its capacity and its abundant freedom, its default is to function in a repeating pattern. It watches the moon and the planets, the days and seasons, the cycle of life …

July 13, 2022
“If you’re the moon, it’s not the sun that affirms your light: it’s the darkness that makes you shine.” 1. You can sit, stand, or lie down on the earth for this meditation. Begin by relaxing your body and taking a …

July 6, 2022
In Sanskrit, “Shat’ means 6, and ‘Kriya’ means internal action. These are the main cleansing techniques used in yoga practice. (Sometimes, it is called “shat karmas”, which means the “6 actions” of cleansing). The word “toxins” does not directly translate …

June 24, 2022
Ready to try dry brushing? This traditional Ayurvedic practice, also called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the natural process of detoxification in the body. Garshana is traditionally done using raw silk or linen gloves, …

June 22, 2022
Do the cold, dark days of winter have you craving foods that are warm, hearty, and comforting? Look no further! These nourishing curried root vegetables may be just the thing to satisfy your tastebuds, fill your belly, and saturate your …

June 20, 2022
The cold and dry air that accompanies winter weather can aggravate your sinuses, adding extra irritation on top of seasonal colds. While in the summer we can use sitali, the cooling breath, to reduce body heat, winter weather calls for …

May 25, 2022
Yoga can be intimidating and obscure when you’re new to the practice. There’s hot yoga, flow yoga, laughter yoga, slow yoga and yin yoga! But regardless of the style, as teachers our job is to meet students where they are …

April 5, 2022
The word ‘sat’ literally translates as ‘true essence’ or ‘true nature’. It also means something that is pure and unchangeable. ‘Sat’ also means ‘that which exists’, ‘that which has no distortion’, ‘that which is beyond time, space and person’, and …

March 31, 2022
All I need to do right now is breathe. A warm, peaceful energy surrounds me and those I love. Inside me lies a great reservoir of calmness. I let go of anxiety and embrace tranquility. I am in control of …

March 25, 2022
” Your yoga practice actually takes place every moment of your day when you practice ahimsa — that is, being mindful to not think, speak or act in a harmful way to yourself or others.”   During a yoga class, one …

March 24, 2022
The very first step on the eight-limbed path begins with setting rules for daily living. Known as the yamas in Sanskrit, the word itself translates to “restraint”. The yamas themselves exist beyond time and space as universal applications practiced by everyone, no matter the …

March 1, 2022
Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for healing the body, as powerful as physical therapies. When our minds are cluttered …

February 22, 2022
Yoga might have originated in India over five thousand years ago, but over time its vast language and diverse nature has been fashioned and interpreted in many different ways. According to Kavi Yogiraj Mani Finger, the word “yoga” itself means …

February 3, 2022
Finding a suitable teacher and the right teacher for you: When the student is ready, the guru appears. Self-Knowledge: Finding a teacher that best suites you – making beneficial choices that best suit you. “A wise coach guides and sustains our …

January 16, 2022
“Tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live. There is no …

December 8, 2021
“If we consider that the human body is a universe within itself, it is only natural to conclude that we carry within us all the elements.” –  Masaru Emoto, Hidden Messages in Water One of the things that we have …

November 28, 2021
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (“TCM”) the summer season is governed by the Fire element, making it an easy one to remember as we associate the heat from the sun during this time of the year. I try to bring concepts …

November 23, 2021
” Why should you practice Yoga?  To kindle the divine fire within yourself.  Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in himself which has to be fanned into flame.” – B.K.S Iyengar

November 11, 2021
Stop and imagine quietly standing barefoot out under the open sky. Feel the dirt under your feet, a breeze tickling the back of your neck. As the sun warms your face, listen for the trickle of a stream nearby. Breathe. …

November 3, 2021
It is that sacred time of Diwali, the Festival of Light! On this day as we light beautiful lamps in our homes, we must not only marvel at the glory and splendor, but we must also take the significance of …

October 27, 2021
“…from the Soles of your Feet to the Seat of your Soul…” Sole2Soul Yoga Studio was established in July 2018. This cute and edgy studio is on the doorstep of the Union Buildings, over-looking the Pretoria skyline. It is easily …

October 21, 2021
“People can live their entire lives without recognising the call of the spiritual self. It’s a call for deeper wholeness, to awaken to something greater within and around us. We all hear it, although not everyone recognises it. The call …

October 9, 2021
How often during the day do we think about our feet? Generally not often unless they are hurting, “my feet are killing me” and then we do something. What if we were to work on prevention rather than cure, by …

September 14, 2021
When you’re faced with a challenging situation, instead of getting tense and tied up in knots, try to step back from the problem. Allow your energy to flow calmly upward to the third eye. Let your awareness rest there, and …

August 29, 2021
“Ordinary men hate solitude. But the master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe” -Lao Tzu A fundamental aspect of loneliness is isolation and feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. Whether preempted …

August 25, 2021
“Come in touch with yourself as being a child of the universe. Know that you are the beneficiary of all the universe has to offer, you need only be able to contact it.  To begin, go to that place deep …

August 21, 2021
What is working? What isn’t working? What if? A delightful painting instructor uses these three questions as part of his artistic process. When he is making a sketch for a new painting, he looks at his first attempt and keeps …

August 4, 2021

July 31, 2021
“Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements.” – Amit Ray

July 28, 2021
All emotions are energies, and if these energies are not used creatively they will disturb some part of the body, some part of the mind. Such energies have to be used. Unused internal energy creates certain blocks, and then gives …

July 9, 2021
The below excerpt beautifully explains the workings of the mind when we are going through a difficult time in our lives and the chips are down. Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of how the mind goes in this negative loop and …

July 5, 2021
We’re in an unprecedented time due to the global pandemic we are all facing. All around the world, we find ourselves asked to stay home and self-isolate. Whether we are exhibiting symptoms of any type of sickness or not, there is …

June 27, 2021
At the root of all resistance is suffering. From the yoga perspective, suffering is caused by various afflictions of the mind known as kleshas. There are two distinct kleshas that make up resistance: raga (attachment) and dvesha (aversion). Raga (sometimes spelled raaga) is characterized by …

June 23, 2021
The gift of their teaching is especially important at this time!! With gratitude to Nandiva  and George Demetriades from the Ishta School of Yoga and Health. For further information please go to  

June 16, 2021
For most of us who have transitioned to a more plant-based diet at some stage in our lives, you’ll be familiar with that initial feeling of vitality. A feeling of lightness and endless energy; like you’re still full, but less …

May 23, 2021
I’m not sure who said, “Happiness is an inside job,” but it’s a great thing to remember as a yogi. According to yoga philosophy, santosha, which means contentment, is a form of self-discipline. In other words, happiness is a skill and practice. …

May 16, 2021
Smiling is infectious,you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him. I …

May 7, 2021
Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility. The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life. …

April 22, 2021
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Traditionally, this chant is used at the beginning of a new venture, a journey, or a new year, to clear the path ahead of potential difficulties. This chant invokes Ganesh, the well known deity and ‘lord …

April 1, 2021
With the Easter period being upon us try out this variation of traditional hot cross buns which ticks all the boxes for vegans. Recipe: 350g plain flour 5ml ground mixed spice 5ml ground cinnamon 5ml grated nutmeg 1 sachet easy-blend …

March 25, 2021
Welcome to the future of shadowing hours for Fitness Students! As a fitness student, you will be required to shadow a Personal Trainer or a Fitness Instructor in a gym or studio environment in order for you to complete the …

March 18, 2021
Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. We may be working hard on ourselves spiritually, doing good in the world, following our dreams, and wondering why we are still facing constrictions of all kinds. Perhaps we even feel as if …

January 28, 2021
As we endeavor to find personal fulfillment and realize our individual ideals, we naturally form emotional attachments to those outcomes we hope will come to pass. These expectations can serve as a source of stability, allowing us to draft plans …

January 20, 2021
Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. The sages of India observed thousands of years ago that our destiny is ultimately shaped by our deepest intentions and desires. The classic Vedic text known as the Upanishads declares, “You are …

January 15, 2021
Setting an intention or dedication for your yoga practice acts like a metaphor to translate your practice off your mat and into your life. It is a vehicle that makes yoga an aspect of your lifestyle, rather than something you …

January 13, 2021
A Sankalpa is a resolve, (or resolution if you will,) which can be also made before any sadhana or beginning of any yogic practice, before meditation, or even at the start of our day. The idea of repeating a sankalpa …

January 8, 2021
With all our best intentions and rich resources, why is it so hard to slow down, simplify, and care for ourselves? Why do most clearing efforts fall short or peter out? The reason may lie in the simple fact that …

January 1, 2021
Welcome to a New Year ! The circle of 2020 is complete and we have now moved into a new twist in the ever moving spiral of our lives. As always, a new year heralds a time of reflection on …

December 24, 2020
Give beyond reason, care beyond hope, love without limit; reach, stretch, and dream, notwithstanding any fears.

December 20, 2020
On the near horizon, a rare celestial occurrence approaches: On December 21, Jupiter and Saturn will come together in a “great conjunction” — the closest they’ve appeared together in nearly 800 years. What does this mean, exactly? Astronomically speaking, a …

December 14, 2020
“Breathing in. I feel myself as a mountain. Breathing out. I feel solid.  Breathing in.  I see myself as water. Breathing out.  I reflect on things as they are. Breathing in.  I see myself as space. Breathing out.  I feel …

November 30, 2020
As the in-breath grows deep, The out-breath grows slow. Breathing in makes me calm; Breathing out brings me ease. With the in-breath I smile; With the out-breath I release all tension. Breathing in I know I am alive; Breathing out, …

November 20, 2020
Life Retreat Studio is inviting you to join them for Live-streaming daily classes from the comfort of your own home! These classes, under the expert guidance of their amazing teachers will enable you to keep fit, healthy, and happy. All …

October 14, 2020
As yogis, we quickly learn the importance and value in honoring our bodies and what they’re telling us. We have yoga teachers there to guide us into proper alignment, and we continue cultivating the ability to listen to our own …

October 7, 2020
Turmeric is a staple in balancing the body from an Ayurvedic perspective. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifier and balances all three doshas. It’s particularly beneficial for balancing excess Kapha in the body. Many people know that turmeric is good for them but beyond a …

October 2, 2020
“Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know as the in-breath grows deep, the out-breath grows slow. Breathing in makes me calm. Breathing out brings me ease. With the in-breath, I smile. With the out-breath, I …

September 24, 2020
This course is designed for yoga teachers, parents, school teachers, therapists and educators who are interested in learning about the application of yoga as a tool when working with children. The aim of this course is to create a basic foundation …

September 16, 2020
Inspired by the intriguing results published in a 2016 research study on the various aspects of the yoga industry in the United States, the Black Swan Society – a wellness agency that recognizes, creates, advances and champions revolutionary wellness practices …

September 11, 2020
Watching a loved one or a peer traverse a path littered with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to guide them toward a safer track and share with them the wisdom we have acquired through experience. Yet …

August 26, 2020
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic resulting in people experiencing greater levels of stress and anxiety the importance of “self-care” –  taking care of oneself physically, mentally, cannot be over emphasised . To help you find what works for you, we’ve …

August 21, 2020
The global pandemic has changed all our lives – there will be BC (Before Coronavirus) and AC (After Coronavirus)  – and it may well be that the way we teach yoga will be altered for a while to come. Rather …

August 12, 2020
All motive and action affects the cosmos in some way. The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to change ourselves and the world around us for the better. However, this same universal law is also …

July 30, 2020
Dear Dancer, Dear Friend, Studio Kairos needs our help to continue during these new times. Let’s join forces to keep the magic alive through our very own online Fundraiser! Kindly visit our Studio Kairos Fundraiser initiative on Quicket via the …

July 18, 2020

July 17, 2020
“The Universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your clinging, to pleasure, to pain,to fear,to all of it. And,as long as there is a place where you are vulnerable the universe will find a way …

July 14, 2020
Breathing is an essential part of being alive and is controlled by involuntary muscles, which makes it an action most of us don’t think about in our day to day lives. But when someone suffers from Asthma, this can be …

July 10, 2020
“Go within.  Use the inner body as a starting point for going deeper and taking your attention away from where it is usually lodged, in the thinking mind.”  –            Eckhart Tolle How do we re-learn …

July 8, 2020
The root chakra  or Muladhara is the first of seven energetic centers. It’s a red wheel of energy, located at the base of the spine, that houses your thoughts, emotions, and experiences relating to your foundational needs. By exploring the shadow …

June 24, 2020
We at Pathways Country Yoga Retreat have put together an online Yoga Nidra Course. It is for anyone who: Thinks there is more to life than what we have been told Wants to find out who they are and what …

June 5, 2020
“Yoga is a refuge. But it was never meant to be a place to escape from the world. It is a refuge in which to cultivate the tools and resources to be in graceful relationship with all that arises, come …

May 29, 2020
Life Retreat is offering you a Complimentary Webinar on 4 June at 10:00 am We have experts on our panel who will be holding an interactive discussion on how businesses can thrive from the Covid-19 Crisis. This is the perfect time …

May 27, 2020
“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”- Rumi  Life Retreat Online Studio Is Launching.  Since you can’t attend Studio Classes, we are bringing classes home to you!  Please scroll down and read our Online Studio Step By Step …

May 15, 2020
Good people, there is no valid reason for you not to get some Yoga and we have never needed it more. At Pure Peace Yoga, we are not just offering Zoom live Yoga but we have shorter pre-recorded classes, meditation, mantra chanting …

May 13, 2020
” Change — even if we don’t want it — can be beneficial. Change brings us new opportunities to evolve, adapt, and move beyond limiting beliefs. In every change is a lesson. In every change is an opening for something …

May 8, 2020
My name is Jo from Yoga Jo and due to the covid-19 epidemic I had to get a little creative with my yoga studio. I am passionate about yoga! So I wish to also encourage other teachers to get creative …

May 1, 2020
Our morning classes on Zoom have been a huge success! Our teachers have perfected the online class format, and students have been telling us that it’s just what they need during this time. If you’d like to join one of these …

April 8, 2020
As the coronavirus spreads throughout the world, each of our lives has changed in ways we could never have imagined. For many, a steady paycheck has evaporated. Hospitals and health care workers on the front lines are overwhelmed. Parents frantically juggle their new work-from-home …

April 5, 2020
We are in the moment like the wind. Everything is ‘now’ – it changes all the time like the wind. The wind blows all the time – from a gentle murmur of a breeze to a hurricane. Sometimes it is …

April 1, 2020
Namaste we greet you all from a place of calm. We are so thrilled to announce our online training platforms, which you can do from the safety and comfort of your home. So exciting. The Yoga4kids Foundation Course is truly an insightful journey into …

March 26, 2020
Fear and stress amidst challenges, like a pandemic, are completely natural. Although we can’t stop these emotions (nor is it healthy to try), we can control our reaction and response to them. Stress—particularly distress—negatively affects your immunity and well being. Luckily, …

March 19, 2020
To increase our prana (life force energy), ayurveda recommends eating specific warming foods to stoke our digestive fire. Below is a classic ayurvedic recipe that will do just that. Ojas Elixir for Vitality This elixir boosts ojas, the essence of all …

February 26, 2020
Immerse yourselves in an experience that brings together the power of yoga, music, meditation, dance and community in a majestic setting surrounded by mountains, rivers and trees. This three-night festival is all about opening the heart and exploring the mind …

February 21, 2020
There is an unknown and mysterious energy that is driving all of us. Scientists have not been able to give it a name, yet. However, saints of yore have called this unknown energy Shiva. Shiva is the energy believed to …

February 12, 2020
“The common conception of security is an achievement or a possession on the physical plane. But an abiding sense of security can never come from possession or from achievement. Impossible! Security comes only when we have established our constant oneness with …

February 3, 2020
“The nature of Yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body” – Jason Crandell Yoga encourages unification of the body, mind and spirit and experiencing the totality of the present moment. Very often …

January 31, 2020
“The Ego seeks to divide and separate.  Spirit seeks to unify and heal”:  Life is a “mine” field:  the more attached we are to people and possessions, the less we can share and let go.  Allowing a spiritual dimension into …

January 23, 2020
Your are on your own journey and the master of your own destiny to a great extent. How will you reflect back on your life when you hit 60, 70 or 80? What are the stories you will tell your kids …

January 15, 2020
This time of year, we always enjoy soaking in this amazing energy of expansion. We feel encouraged  to broaden our vision past what we think is possible for ourselves and to see beyond our limiting beliefs. Intention is at the base …

December 13, 2019
Ingredients for one serving: 2 Tbsp chia seeds 1 1/2 -2 cups almond milk 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats 1/2 -1 cup mixed berries some chopped banana or extra berries for garnish Method:  …

December 4, 2019
Your are on your own journey and the master of your own destiny to a great extent. How will you reflect back on your life when you hit 60, 70 or 80? What are the stories you will tell your kids …

November 20, 2019
Sometimes the simplest ingredients combined in the most uncomplicated way to produce something that is greater than the sum of it’s parts. This is one such dish. The deep red and vibrant orange of this salad reminds one of the …

November 8, 2019
Indra is the Hindu god who symbolises the natural forces that protect and nurture life, and it is said that above the palace of Indra you can see an infinite net. No one has seen it all, but it is …

November 6, 2019
HospiceA memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make special moments last forever. Honour your loved one by purchasing a virtual globe on our beautiful Tree of Light… Join us at our annual Tree lighting ceremony as we …

November 1, 2019
Saraswati, or Sarasvati, is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, art, music, learning and wisdom. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit sara, meaning “essence,” and sva, meaning “one’s self.” She is also associated with flowing water. Within yoga, Saraswati is seen as …

October 24, 2019
” We are one with the cosmos whether we realize it or not. Realizing it, though, quickens our spiritual energy and allows us access to higher realms. In those higher realms lies the awareness that we are more than just …

October 9, 2019
“When we are constantly doing something, we are simultaneously constantly stimulating our nervous systems to the point of exhaustion – and an overexerted, depleted nervous system can most certainly give birth to an array of health problems, as well as …

October 4, 2019
From an Ayurvedic perspective, summer is dominated by the fiery energy of pitta, one of the components of a person’s mind- body constitution known as prakriti. Everyone has some degree of pitta in their prakriti, which regulates body temperature, metabolism, …

September 27, 2019
It is often only when we teach yoga that we begin to learn what yoga truly is. This is because it is in the context of teaching that we are forced to examine our understanding of yoga critically, and to …

September 25, 2019
As a raw, sensitive human being, life will inevitably bring experience to us that we are not able to consciously embody, tend to, and digest. In this way, trauma is experience (psychic, emotional, and somatic) that we cannot bear. Life at …

September 18, 2019
These ice lollies are loaded with grapefruit segments and fresh grapefruit juice for the ultimate refreshing treat! Ingredients: 2 Tbsp maple syrup (or sweetener of choice) 3 Tbsp water a handful fresh thyme 2 cups freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (approx 3 large grapefruits) 1 cup coconut …

September 6, 2019
“Silence about trauma also leads to death—the death of the soul. Silence reinforces the godforsaken isolation of trauma. Being able to say aloud to another human being, “I was raped” or “I was battered by my husband/wife” or “My parents …

September 4, 2019
“All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior …

August 23, 2019
“Once you realise that you are not the body, that you’re not the mind, that you’re not your emotions, or the nation you were born into, or the colour of your skin, or the religion that you believe in, but …

August 7, 2019
Each of us radiates energy and is capable of being influenced by the energy of other people. It is important to learn how to shield yourself, so you don’t unknowingly take on someone else’s energy. While some people know how …

August 2, 2019

July 26, 2019

July 24, 2019
Like a tree, our growth depends upon our ability to soften, loosen, and shed defenses we no longer need. Trees grow up through their branches and down through their roots into the earth. They also grow wider with each passing …

July 19, 2019
The Go With The Flow Kids Teachers Training Program is aimed at teachers, parents, therapists and any one else who has a love for yoga and a love for children. Children’s Yoga is a fun, creative and playful way for children to learn Yoga. …

July 17, 2019
Graduating from yoga teacher training is exciting. However, figuring out how to take your newly gained skills to the next level can also be daunting. When it comes to finding ways to start teaching yoga right away, there really are …

July 10, 2019
Chai is steeped in a rich history. The name “chai” is actually the Hindi word for “tea”, which was derived from “cha”, the Chinese word for “tea”. In this case, the Hindi term chai means a mix of spices steeped …

July 10, 2019
According to ayurveda, blustery winds and chilly weather aggravate vata dosha (the humor that governs all movement, including circulation, digestion, and flow of thought), while the cold, damp, heavy energy of the winter season can kick up kapha dosha (the humor that controls …

June 28, 2019
Wow! Johannesburg yogis you have been amazing  2300 people coming together to celebrate and spread the spirit of yoga  Thank you to everyone who was there and special thanks to our partners @multiply_sa @indiainjohannesburg and to the rockstar team of teacher trainees …

June 27, 2019
You may have noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be louder than the room’s noise generally only …

June 21, 2019
The International Day of Yoga is celebrated in over 150 countries worldwide. Multiply, Yoga Works and the Consulate General of India in Johannesburg invite the entire Johannesburg yoga community to come together at Bidvest Wanderers Stadium, Illovo, for a day …

June 5, 2019
We are very excited to welcome Dr Sumit to South Africa, exclusively at Sole2Soul Yoga Studio, Arcadia, Pretoria from 19 – 27 June 2019. Join any one, or all, of his workshops where he will share his vast knowledge of therapeutic …

May 22, 2019
Most people agree that a more peaceful world would be an ideal situation for all living creatures. However, we often seem stumped as to how to bring this ideal situation into being. If we are to have true peace in …

May 15, 2019
Feeling unsafe, ungrounded, and insecure in the world is, more often than not, linked to imbalances of the first chakra: the root chakra, or Muladhara chakra. If your root chakra is balanced, you’ll feel safe and secure, connected, grounded and …

May 5, 2019
” To let go implies to let go of something.  The something that we are holding onto may simply be a creation of our mind, an illusory perception of something and not the reality of the thing itself.  Everything is …

April 30, 2019
Hridaya School of Yoga is offering a 300 hr Advanced Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Programme in 2019 from 5 June – 30 October 2019. This Teacher Training is designed to take the student on a journey to discover the sacred …

April 10, 2019
Golden Milk is an age-old home remedy for a broad list of ailments. These include cold and flu symptoms, joint pain, ulcerative colitis and indigestion. The Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in the recipe possesses circulation-boosting properties. Furthermore, tumeric is both a …

February 20, 2019
Family is undoubtedly the most important system affecting child resilience. By providing a supportive environment with open communication and effective parenting practices, children are given a huge head start in terms of building resilience. Along with a respectful parenting styles, …

February 6, 2019
Ryan Edmonds & Life Retreat Studio bring you our 2019 ISHTA Yoga Immersion / Teacher Training in a way that is suited to anyone who wants to learn more about yoga… … as well as for those who wish to …

January 30, 2019
If you’re a gardener, you know the value of choosing an ideal site and preparing quality soil for nurturing healthy plants. The same is true for tending to your inner growth: when you devote a nook in your home to …

January 11, 2019
“If we don’t have any access to a deeper sense of self, it feels life-threatening when things are not working on the surface. When our identity falls apart, we will do anything to defend and fix it, because it’s all …

December 12, 2018
“When we care about people, we want to save them from pain by offering them the benefit of our experience. Sometimes we feel like we know what is best for them. Sometimes, like when their safety is involved, we need …

November 23, 2018
Listen with the night falling we are saying thank you we are stopping on the bridges to bow from the railings we are running out of the glass rooms with our mouths full of food to look at the sky …

November 9, 2018

October 26, 2018
“Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present.” -B.K.S. Iyengar   Inner Wellness Studio invites you to fully embrace Yoga as a technology for holistic living. This …

October 17, 2018
Considering becoming a certified yoga instructor? Ask yourself these six questions before signing up: 1. Are you a good fit? In my opinion, yoga teacher training only benefits people who want to teach. It’s a good idea to have at …

October 10, 2018
Adapt this recipe for easy overnight oats to suit your tastes. You can add dried fruit, seeds and nuts, grated apple or pear, or chopped tropical fruits Ingredients: 1/4  tsp ground cinnamon 100ml water or milk 50g rolled porridge oats …

September 26, 2018
Q&A with Paramahamsa Niranjanananda Question: For nine years I have been practising yoga with intensity, but I am still caught by passions and attachments to the pleasures of life, and this makes me suffer because I would like to feel …

September 23, 2018
Come try out the Nia Move IT class -a revolutionary approach to whole body fitness integrating the best of exercise science and somatic movement through Nia’s sensory-based approach to fitness. You will get to do all of Nia’s 52 Moves …

September 5, 2018
Each year during the Spring Equinox the South African Kundalini Yoga Community gathers for the Spring Kundalini Yoga Festival or Skyfest, a celebration of kundalini yoga, wellness and community. The venue  for this years festivities is Mopani Lodge, a reserve …

August 30, 2018
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” This is the power of responsibility, the complete ownership of who you have been, who you are, and who you will become –  Victor …

August 22, 2018
“We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no …

August 17, 2018
Warmer weather is on the way and with it the start to lighter meal ideas.  Enjoy!!!           Ingredients:  1 1/2 cups quinoa, rinsed and drained 3 cups water 1/4 cup finely chopped hazelnuts 1/4 cup finely …

August 15, 2018
” What causes us to make the decisions we make and to evolve in the way that we do?  In Sanskrit, Sanskaras are known as impressions and they are karmic motivational forces that continually arise in an individual’s consciousness. They affect …

August 13, 2018
Life Retreat Studio, Cathy Venter, and Klasie Wessels from Street School humbly bring you a talk by Geshe Lobsang Dhondup – the CULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR HH THE DALAI LAMA in Africa.This event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gather and hear …

August 12, 2018
Would you like to refresh or further your teaching skills? Inner Wellness Studio is dedicating the next 3 Wednesday’s of August to refining our teaching practice by sharing our understanding with other teachers. If this sounds like something for you …

August 11, 2018
As the winds get stronger, the temperatures colder, and the heating higher – the more we battle to maintain our healthy skin! If the air is dry, it removes the layer of oil that retains moisture in the skin and …

August 8, 2018
” In the end, she became more than she expected. She became the journey and like all journeys she did not end, she just simply changed directions and kept going….” – R. M Drake 

July 27, 2018
Fabulous stuff happening here. Look outside. The longest total lunar eclipse this century will begin today at 7.14pm. It lasts until 1.28am Saturday morning. It’s at its maximum at 10.21pm and lasts a total of 6 hours 14 minutes. Compare …

July 18, 2018
To celebrate Mandela Day, we invite everyone to get together at the historic Constitution Hill in Braamfontein and work through 27 yoga poses to honour the great courage and beauty of the late Nelson Mandela. Many of the poses remind us …

July 8, 2018
Pumpkins have a sweet flavor that soothes the Vata dosha. This easy pumpkin soup recipe is wonderful to make when you want to feel warmed and nourished from the inside out. The pumpkin’s cheerful orange flesh is  packed with beta …

July 4, 2018
Sometimes, commentators on the Yoga Sutra translate upeksha as “indifference” in the face of nonvirtuous, immoral, or harmful deeds of others, but upeksha is better understood as “equanimity”—a state of even-minded openness that allows for a balanced, clear response to all situations, …

June 20, 2018

June 17, 2018
During Father’s Day you remember your biological father as well as the Father of the Universe.”  The word ‘father’ is a mantra that is charged with power. Say the word ‘father’ a few times and you will be in an …

June 13, 2018
” At this moment, for the first time, we saw ourselves from a distance, and the earth in its surrounding dark emptiness not only seemed impossibly beautiful but also impossibly fragile. Most of all, we could see clearly that it …

June 8, 2018
Inner Wellness Studio invites you to fully embrace Yoga as a technology for holistic living. This course is a comprehensive study and practice of yoga. This course will give you a profound experience of yoga that will transform your body …

May 31, 2018
If an epidemic is defined as a disease that affects whole populations without having a medical cure, then the epidemic of modern life is stress. Stress itself is not a disease, but it instead leads to a breakdown in the body’s …

May 12, 2018
The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word “Mother,” and the most beautiful call is the call of “My mother.” It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of …

May 9, 2018
Life Retreat Studio, based in Somerset West, Western Cape, brings you our annual ISHTA Yoga Teachers Training Course, which is suited to anyone who wishes to learn more about yoga…… and especially as for those who wish to qualify as …

April 29, 2018
There’s nothing nicer on a cold day than a soothing cup of herbal tea. But besides being a tasty, warming, caffeine-free pick-me-up, herbal tea has lots of wonderful health benefits. From soothing a troubled tummy to easing insomnia and calming a troubled …

April 16, 2018
“The mind is to the moon as the heart is to the sun. When the sun has set, the moon reflects the light of the sun and makes it easier to see things in the darkness of night. Likewise, the …

April 11, 2018
If you haven’t yet heard the news, there are two fabulous events @ ISHTA this weekend! Don’t miss out, there is still space available… email to book!            

April 10, 2018
An aging master grew tired of his apprentice’s complaints. One morning he sent him to get some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master told him to mix a handful of salt in a glass of water and then drink …

April 5, 2018
Spices are known to have a beneficial impact on ones well-being. We’ve picked three of the best and showcased their plus points. Cayenne: Is a wonderful painkiller because it helps to block pain transmission to the brain.That’s down to capsaicin, the …

April 4, 2018
A healthy skin care regimen that changes with the seasons will offset seasonal imbalances caused by exposure to the elements. Ayurveda tells us that the vata dosha—characterized by air and space—dominates during the autumn season, which explains why so many …

March 16, 2018
When the world is in chaos, we can still have our own inner peace and maintain a sense of calm in a sea of unrest. People who maintain their sense of calm when things around them are in a state …

March 16, 2018
Every moment of every day you are bombarded by sensory data, via the senses (external = perception) and internal information via sensations called interoception. The brain interprets this information and assesses or understands it based on past experience. “All sensory information is a …

March 1, 2018
Inner Wellness Studio invites you to fully embrace Yoga as a technology for holistic living. This course is a comprehensive study and practice of Yoga. This course will give you a profound experience of Yoga that will transform your body …

February 23, 2018
A course in spirit, meaningful Yoga , truth of body and mind… 200 hour yoga teacher training course part or full time in hatha yoga – develop your own style and find your Independent Spirit. Experience a daily practice of …

February 16, 2018
” Yoga is best known as a set of physical practices that include gentle stretches, breathing practices, and progressive deep relaxation. These physical practices are intended to ready the body and mind for meditation as well as for a meditative …

February 2, 2018

January 6, 2018
Laying down your intentions for 2018?  Here are five simple rules for happiness you may want to consider: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.

January 1, 2018
” May the long time sun shine upon you.  All love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way on”  – Irish Blessing Whatever your dreams, goals and aspirations are for 2018 the YTF wishes all our …

November 30, 2017

November 18, 2017
Remember That You Are Water. Cry.Cleanse.Flow. Remember That You Are Air. Be Still.Focus. Calm. Remember That You Are Fire. Burn. Ignite. Tame. Remember That You Are Earth. Build.Give.Ground

November 9, 2017
An aging master grew tired of his apprentice’s complaints. One morning he sent him to get some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master told him to mix a handful of salt in a glass of water and then drink …

October 25, 2017
In a recent issue of Bindu—a yoga magazine published in Sweden—Swami Janakananda commented on the current fashion of calling gymnastics yoga only because it sells better. The title of his editorial reads “Call it something else! The yogis are turning over …

October 20, 2017
“It is not something to be figured out. It is being married to the moment, as opposed to a plan. Plans are helpful to the mind in the beginning. But for the one who is really getting ready to dance, …

October 13, 2017
A Zen master was walking in silence with one of his disciples along a mountain trail. When they came to an ancient cedar tree, they sat down under it for a simple meal of some rice and vegetables. After the …

October 6, 2017
Fight Club SA would like to offer a Complimentary Yoga class on a Saturday morning at 10:00,  with a view to include Yoga as a counter balance to their training.  If you are in their studio area and interested, please contact  …

October 4, 2017
Ingredients: 60ml Olive Oil 30g Butter 1 Large Onion, chopped 1 tsp Crushed Garlic 1 tsp Grated Ginger 1 tbsp Curry Leaves, chopped 1/2 tsp Coriander 1 tsp Caraway Seeds 1/2 tsp Fennel Seeds 1 tsp Turmeric 250g Diced Butternut …

September 29, 2017
“What if our religion was each other If our practice was our life If prayer, our words What if the temple was the Earth If forests were our church If holy water – the rivers, lakes, and ocean What if …

September 27, 2017
With the landscape around us awash in the vibrant shades of spring thought it interesting to explore the psychology of the colour Green. Both life-affirming and restful, this is the colour of luxury, harmony and prosperity Being a combination of …

September 15, 2017
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”- Robert Sawn Clean-up and Recycle SA Week, an annual initiative by the local plastics industry, supported and endorsed by the various packaging streams and retailers, …

September 13, 2017
“When you practice yoga, you are systematically raising the ushna(flow of prana) in the body. If you drink cold water, the ushna will rapidly fall, and this will cause various other reactions. You will become more susceptible to allergic conditions, …

September 6, 2017
Ad Kerkhof is a Dutch clinical psychologist who has worked in the field of suicide prevention for 30 years. He has observed that before attempting suicide people often experience a period of extreme rumination about the future. They sometimes reported …

August 31, 2017
Spring clean and fine tune your Chakra system by invoking the healing colours of nature that burst forth with the arrival of Spring. RED: The Base Chakra (Muladhara) The first chakra is activated by a clear, bright shade of red. …

August 11, 2017
Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience.  Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is …

August 4, 2017
​”Come be lulled by the sounds, touched by the vibrations and awakened into the silence. “ August Sound Journeys by Jason: Orange Grove –  Saturday 12th and Sunday 20th. 75 13th Sreet, between 8th and 9th Avenues,Cost: R100 or donation. …

July 26, 2017
“Fear is a universal experience. Even the smallest insect feels it. We wade in the tidal pools and put our finger near the soft, open bodies of sea anemones and they close up. Everything spontaneously does that. It’s not a …

July 21, 2017
There are many ways to calm a negative energy without suppressing or fighting it.  You recognize it, you smile to it, you invite something nicer to come and replace it; you read some inspiring words, you listen to a beautiful …

July 16, 2017
It’s time to get upside down! What gets in the way of inverting? We could write a thesis on that topic but instead, we will just explore it physically, organically, bravely. If you feel like you are not strong enough …

June 30, 2017
Inner Wellness Studio invites you to fully embrace yoga as a technology for holistic living. This course is a comprehensive study and practice of yoga. It will give you a profound experience of yoga that will transform your body and …

June 23, 2017
The Indian High Commission along with the Art of Living Foundation, Yoga Oasis, and other members of the Yoga community in Pretoria invite you to a FREE yoga session on Sunday, 25 June 2017 at the SPHSS Auditorium at 264, …

June 14, 2017
This is a fantastic opportunity to treat your hubby/spouse/self on Fathers day. We’ll start with 60 min yoga on the rooftop, and then a 60 min drumming circle inside the market.  The drumming circle is for beginners, even I can …

June 9, 2017
Sadness gives depth, Happiness gives height, Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the …

June 7, 2017
Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice, dating back thousands of years. Rooted in India, it resonates with people worldwide and 21 June has been declared International Yoga Day. The Sivananda School of Yoga invites you to celebrate with …

May 31, 2017
A hot cup of ginger tea can help you feel much better,even speed your recovery if you feel the start of a cold. Peel and grate (or slice)about a thumb knuckle piece of fresh ginger root. Infuse it two cups …

May 26, 2017
Golden Labradorite Meaning and Uses:  Golden Labradorite, also known as Yellow Labradorite, is a stone that helps balance your energy and harness your personal power.  It is a masculine stone, and as it’s bright, yellow color suggests, its energy has …

May 12, 2017
With the landscape around us bathed in the vibrant shades of autum thought it interesting to explore the psychology of the colour yellow. Whatever your feelings are towards yellow, we are sure that you will agree that it is the …

May 10, 2017
 “Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you to stand up on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power over you is …

May 1, 2017
A perfect summary of which oil is best used in what recipe…. Almond oil: Whilst this oil has high smoking point and is generally used in Asian foods for stir frying and sauteing it is best used as a finishing …

March 21, 2017
” We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one”- Jacques Cousteau It is the element with the greatest quotient within us and on the surface of the Earth. It is essential for life. It is used …

March 10, 2017
It is said a great Zen teacher asked an initiate to sit by a stream until he heard all the water had to teach. After days of bending his mind around the scene, a small monkey happened by, and, in …

February 20, 2017
The following recipe was kindly contributed by YTF member and Head Chef at Maison de Leo,Willie Cloete. Enjoy!!! “Imam Bayildi” literally means the “imam fainted”. The name is  supposedly derived from a tale of a Turkish Imam, who swooned with …

February 10, 2017
As more and more doctors are recommending yoga for a variety of health conditions, the physically therapeutic benefits have become indisputable. However, Yoga can also be approached from a spiritual rather than physical standpoint, addressing holistic needs in mind and …

January 11, 2017
Considering it’s thousands of years old, it might seem silly to say that yoga has come a long way in recent years. But as mind/body exercise continues to take hold of the fitness industry, the practice of yoga has moved …

December 31, 2016
“Be a lamp unto yourselves. Work out your liberation with diligence. Fill your mind with compassion” – Buddha. Whatever your dreams, goals and aspirations are for 2017, the YTF wishes all our members a very Happy and Abundant New Year!

December 28, 2016
The human body is remarkable. It’s constantly replacing dying cells with new cells in order to maintain function and keep you as healthy as possible. The living tissue inside your body keeps everything running smoothly, and your bone is no …

December 21, 2016
When you are grateful,’ Brother Steindl-Rast explained, ‘you are not fearful, and when you are not fearful, you are not violent. When you are grateful, you act out of a sense of enough and not out of a sense of …

December 21, 2016
One day the Buddha was walking through a village. A very angry and rude young man came up and began insulting him. “You have no right teaching others,” he shouted. “You are as stupid as everyone else. You are nothing …

December 9, 2016
The seventh chakra, Sahaswara, is referred to as the thousand-petal lotus chakra. This is the top chakra of the seven and located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to all that …

December 2, 2016
“With yoga, we become aware of how and where we are restricted – in body, mind, and heart – and how gradually to open and release these blockages. As these blockages are cleared, our energy is freed. We start to feel more …

November 16, 2016
“Join us as we remember their lives when they shone at their brightest” The HospiceWits tree-lighting ceremony continues to be a beacon of hope, strength and a celebration of life. It’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy a picnic under starry …

November 2, 2016
Only a few places left for Patrick Creelman’s WildLotus Workshop classes that are taking place at Yoga Lova from 15th  – 17th November 2016. You do not want to miss this incredible opportunity to experience a worldclass Master teacher on …

November 2, 2016
The sixth chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. An invisible yet powerful third eye, …

October 26, 2016
We often forget that prisons do not exist simply to punish, but also to reform and rehabilitate. And as such, we can all do our part in helping inmates find peace within themselves to let go of hatred and violence …

October 26, 2016
“Yoga believes in transforming the individual before transforming the world.Whatever change you want to happen outside should happen within. If you walk in peace and express that peace in your very life, others will see you and learn something”  – …

October 21, 2016
Releasing body toxins as well as emotional and physical stress can alter our entire perception on life. By paying attention to our breathing patterns we can transform negative emotions and restore life’s natural rhythm of happiness. This program provides a …

October 20, 2016
” Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open ended exploration of your being.” …

October 14, 2016
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among South African women – and its incidence is rising. Over the past few years cancer researchers have conducted several studies to determine if yoga …

October 12, 2016
GINGERED PEAR BEETROOT JUICE Ingredients: 1 medium beetroot 1 medium pear 2-3 large carrots 4 stalks celery fresh ginger root or ground ginger (to taste) POWER PUNCH Ingredients: 1 medium beetroot 2 medium apples (Granny Smith) 1/4 of a lemon …

October 12, 2016

October 7, 2016
A workshop directed at new and well established teachers.  This workshop is designed to teach and fine tune how we adjust our students, enhancing their practice in a safe environment. Learn to see more than just skin deep, recognise how …

October 4, 2016
Its the end of the world as we know it, and its all right…… Refresh and renew! Black moon : A second full moon in a single calendar month is sometimes called a blue moon. A black moon is supposedly …

September 28, 2016
The fourth chakra is at the center of the seven chakras with three below and three above. This is the area where physical and spiritual meet. The fourth chakra, also referred to as the heart chakra, is located at the …

September 21, 2016
“Not speaking and speaking are both human ways of being in the world, and there are kinds and grades of each. There is the dumb silence of slumber or apathy; the sober silence that goes with a solemn animal face; …

September 21, 2016
“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery” –  Mark van Doren TIP #1:  “You are in the service industry—get used to it. When I first started teaching, I thought I was in the yoga business or the …

September 16, 2016
Yoga Mama, is pleased to be presenting their next Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training in Johannesburg on the weekends of the 24th-25th September and 01st – 02nd October. For further details relating to costs and venue please contact J’anaki Ra on  …

September 14, 2016
Inner Wellness Studio and Conscious Cooking with Diego and Nalini will be hosting a Durban City Roof Top Yoga Fund-Raiser Event on Friday, 30th September  from 18:00 – 19:30 to raise money for their friends at the Claremont Good News …

August 12, 2016
Running, walking and athletic activities are really beneficial, but may also result in musculoskeletal imbalances, stiffness, injury and loss of energy. Yoga increases both stability and mobility, strengthening core, lower and upper body in a balanced way. It enhances stamina, …

July 16, 2016
“Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” ~ Dalai Lama XIV

July 14, 2016
Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula …

June 30, 2016
If you want to give yourself a gift, consider taking the White Belt Intensive. It is for people who love the feeling in their bodies when they move – whether you want to teach or simply want to deepen your …

June 24, 2016
Yoga and other holistic practices can be a source of great comfort to pregnant women. On this training you will gain a wealth of knowledge to offer your students, guiding them in order to bring about some relief and comfort …

June 22, 2016
“There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won’t go. For me, India is such a place. When I first visited…it was as if all my life I had been seeing the world …

June 19, 2016
The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the …

June 15, 2016
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future” Franklin.D Roosevelt   

June 15, 2016
Come and gather with us on Saturday, 18th June 2016, to celebrate the sacred stillness of the winter solstice with a labyrinth meditation walk, hatha yoga, chanting of Gayatri mantra and a gratitude ceremony. In the afternoon you are free …

June 9, 2016
Mel will be hosting a 90min traditional style Forrest workshop in a truly unique industrial setting currently under construction in Braamfontein.  A great opportunity to get grounded in our city. You can expect an audio greeting from Ana Forrest. Coffee …

June 9, 2016
He said, ” You become.  It takes a long time.  That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept.  Generally by the time you are Real, most …

May 27, 2016
” We are all very busy with the physical body in life, but the physical is the end of the line…our physical body is the most changing and most unstable part of us, and that is what we put so …

May 20, 2016
“The benefits of yoga asana are greatest when we experience both steadiness and ease, sthira and sukham, strength and softness. In this state of balanced awareness, we may become more receptive to the breath and less captivated by intellectual distractions.” …

April 29, 2016
Dear friends and fellow yogis, Please see attached flyer regarding the next “Yoga for All Trimesters Course” – Our New Baby! – proudly brought to you by MIND BODY PROFESSIONALS. The course is offered over two days in May and …

April 20, 2016
“In my own roles as teacher, facilitator, coach, mother, wife, and friend, etc. I often find myself holding the space for other people. It’s not always easy, because I have a very human tendency to want to fix people (which …

April 10, 2016
Taste Café is popping-up this coming Sunday at Laughing Chefs with a delectable Vegan Celebration Lunch Menu. The peace and tranquility of Laughing Chefs serves as the ideal venue in which to enjoy a relaxed and leisurely meal. The restaurant …

April 6, 2016
“This is indeed well understood by any gardener. The aim of the life of a rosebush is to be all that is inherent as potentiality in the rosebush: that its leaves are well developed and that its flower is the …

March 18, 2016
There are still a few places available to celebrate this magical day with us: the day will begin at 9.30am with hatha yoga, pranayama (breath work) and yoga nidra (deep relaxation) on the yoga deck, followed by a walking meditation …

February 12, 2016
 “If our parents didn’t love and understand each other, how are we to know what love looks like? … The most precious inheritance that parents can give their children is their own happiness. Our parents may be able to leave …

February 10, 2016

December 30, 2015
I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. . . . Myself moving forward then and now and forever, Gathering and showing more always …

December 4, 2015
1. Start your day with a green shake:  Choose a combination of seasonal greens like spinach, kale celery, add clean protein powder, 10 ice cubes,1 tablespoon virgin olive or MCT oil, and fruit/fiber eg. apple. Sets the metabolic tone for …

November 27, 2015
To all the Yogis going to the Market this year. We have YOGA so please come and support Dale, the team and Nicarela while having a bit of Yoga fun. The Parkview Charity Christmas market is back in full swing …

November 20, 2015
“Let us pray for peace. Please sit in your consolidated self. Your prayer will be effective by the concentration of your mind, and heart and self. Pray for all. Pray for those who are facing death, pray for those who …

November 13, 2015
One week until Patrick Creelman arrives in Jozi … Get yourself ready for the holiday season with his incredible, inspirational , uplifting workshops!! Patrick Creelman is coming to Rock the Jozi Yoga scene next week. Do whatever you need to do …

November 1, 2015
Kulfi is the traditional ice cream of India, made by boiling milk until it reduces and condenses, then flavouring it with pistachios, cardamom and rose–water and set in a special conical mould. To serve, the ice cream is cut into …

October 30, 2015
Denise Schmidt is once again hosting her Annual Yoga Day for various non-profit animal organisations. The day is happening Sunnridge Primary School, Primrose, Edenvale and runs from 10:45 until 13:45. The cost is R200.00 per person with all monies collected going to …

October 13, 2015
Inner Wellness Studio based in Durban, invites you to fully embrace yoga as a technology for holistic living by enrolling on their 200 Hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course running February – June 2016. This course is a comprehensive study …

September 11, 2015
You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on earth to love one another. To understand …

September 4, 2015
“The human body is dynamic and versatile and capable of repairing itself. We use yoga as the bridge between mind and body, through the vehicle of the breath, in order to assist the natural healing process.”  A week-end of Healing …

August 26, 2015
If the weather we are currently experiencing is anything to go by we may well have by passed Spring moving straight onto Summer from Winter. That’s  not to say that our desire for comfort food has disappeared with it. YTF …

August 19, 2015
“Using a seamless mix of re-creations and fascinating true footage, this very even-tempered documentary takes its audience all the way through a saint’s life, from his first sensations in the womb to that moment in 1952 when, having recited a …

August 12, 2015
As we move closer to the Spring Equinox and the annual Sky Festival, we invite the public to join us as we introduce beginner’s to a wonderful weekly experience at the Museum of Africa Design. Our blissful teachers will be …

July 31, 2015
  The greatest guru is your inner self. Truly he is the supreme teacher. He alone can take you to your goal and he alone meets you at the end of the road. Confide in him and you need no …

July 29, 2015
“When I look up at the night sky and I know that, yes, we are part of this Universe … the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up — many people feel small, because …

July 22, 2015
A four hour workshop for teachers and advanced students covering the basics of successful and creative vinyasa sequencing. RSVP to

July 20, 2015
Namaste. It’s hard to believe we are nearly half-way through 2015 already. If you’re looking to start, or complete, your Yoga4Kids’ Teacher Training this year, then book your space now. Please see our website which details all the course content, fees …

July 13, 2015
Join Yoga Works and the team from Constitution Hill on Mandela Day for a great morning of healthy exercise, history and culture, and giving back to the community. Steven from Yoga Works will guide you through 27 yoga poses (one …

July 3, 2015
US based Alana Brennar will be visiting Yoga Lova during July 2015 to teach amazing “Chakra themed” classes and an exciting handstand and forearm balance workshop. Alana’s simple, detailed yet challenging teaching style combined with her beautiful  calming energy is …

July 1, 2015
The Art of Living Yoga brought together some 50 million yoga enthusiasts in 132 countries worldwide to mark the first United Nations International 
Yoga Day (IYD) on 21st June. The programmes theme “Yoga – A New Dimension” allowed  participants to …

June 24, 2015
In wintertime, we tend to eat a little bit more to help compensate for the cold. Extra calories can be burned off to keep us warm and a little more body fat will do the trick, too. However, more food …

June 19, 2015
“Yoga, is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self” – Excerpt from The Bhagavad Gita. On December 11th, 2014 the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. The declaration came …

June 17, 2015
This winter soup recipe is sure to warm the cockles and give your immune system a much needed boost.. Makes: 4 servings, about  250 ml each Ingredients: 30 ml canola oil 1 small onion, diced 2 large bell peppers, halved …

June 3, 2015

May 22, 2015
It is when our lives are full and busy that we need our daily meditation to help center us for the day. Ironically, when we get busy, the first thing that tends to get cut back is our meditation practice. …

May 15, 2015
Join us for a joy-filled day of yoga and uplifting shamanic drumming! MORNING YOGA: 11.30am – 1.00pm George Demetriades’ style of Hatha yoga is characterised by strong holds, with an important emphasis on breathing and attention to fine movement detail, …

May 15, 2015
We are doing it again ! We’re counting down to the big event and we need your help to reach our goal of 500 000 Africans meditating for peace in Africa. “I Meditate Africa” is a FREE campaign promoting peace in …

May 7, 2015
This is so easy to prepare and best of all is you don’t really need any electricity to prepare it, a little forward thinking and some gas will do. Great for those days that Eskom decide to leave us powerless, …

April 22, 2015
  “You have to keep the land so that it can continue to be, as God wants it, the source of life for the entire human family.” Pope Francis on Twitter, Rome, April 21, 2015

April 15, 2015
DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER? – Course Starting 3 August 2015 This 500 hours INTEGRAL HATHA YOGA YTTC Programme creates an evironment for people to prepare themselves within a community of open-minded collaborating individuals, each exploring their …

April 9, 2015
Often, when we say, “I love you” we focus mostly on the idea of the “I” who is doing the loving and less on the quality of the love that’s being offered. This is because we are caught by the …

March 27, 2015
With the proliferation of online yoga tutorials like YogaGlo, GaiamTV and even YouTube, more and more yogis are practicing at home in front of their laptops. But as a yoga teacher who even has a few online videos of his …

March 22, 2015
The best spice to be used during a change of season as Cinnamon as it: controls blood sugar levels helps maintain insulin sensitivity is a powerful antioxidant: great for youthful longevity may have antibacterial and antifungal properties, good for blood …

March 6, 2015
Mantra is a Sanskrit word composed of ‘Mana’ – the mind, and ‘trayate – to transcend’. Therefore mantra refers to an ancient word or sound which helps the mind to reach a higher consciousness. When accompanied by music it is …

February 27, 2015
You have listened to your heart……and you know what you truly desire. Now it’s time to set your intention. Just as an acorn has great potential to grow into a magnificent oak tree,so too does your intention have the potential …

January 28, 2015
Lama Marut (aka Brian K. Smith) may not be the first to frame spiritual practice as a form of rebellion, but manages a fresh approach based on Asian philosophy, particularly Buddhist principles. An ordained monk trained in the Tibetan tradition …

December 3, 2014
Compassion – a sense of spaciousness and open-heartedness is the deepest gifts of yoga, Understand your strengths and weaknesses; most people actually underestimate their strengths and emphasize their weaknesses out of proportion. Enjoy your self-confidence with mindful presence, sensitive patience, …

December 3, 2014
No matter what the circumstance we always have the freedom to choose, even if it is only the attitude or stance we take towards the situation.    

November 21, 2014
A reading excerpt on the lesson of finding gratitude even in the most difficult of situations… There is a story of a woman running away from tigers. She runs and runs, and tigers are getting closer and closer. When she …

October 29, 2014
“ Laugther is a melody, a concert from the heart. A tickling by the angles, creative living art. Laughter heals and comforts, it’s sometimes gentle – sometimes bold.  Laughter is a freeing dance performed within the Soul” – S. West …

October 20, 2014
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra tells us that Pranayama thins the veil that clouds our inner light. It makes the mind clearer and more focused and brings the mind great freedom from angst and doubt. Sarah Guglielmi from Yoga International demonstrates two …

October 13, 2014
With the end of the year fast approaching tempers begin to flare, energy reserves begin to feel depleted and small matters become major issues. It would be best to take a moment  and remember that we are made to love, …

October 8, 2014
SADHU Professor V Rangarajan, is visiting Johannesburg from his ashram in Bangalore,India. He is a Hindu renunciate or sannyasi, who has travelled all over the world spreading what he sees as the core message of Hinduism “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”. Sadhu …

September 19, 2014
Ultimately the intention of Yoga is to make us more kind and compassionate beings. Diego of Inner Wellness Studio in Musgrave, KZN has teamed up with the Community Outreach Program Trust to do a weekly Wednesday Yoga class in the …

September 19, 2014
Yogathon is an initiative of Sri Sri Yoga, to create awareness about yoga and create interest in its practice for healthier living. Bring your friends and family to a unique event to smile, stretch and strengthen the mind and body. …

September 12, 2014
With warmer weather upon us one tends to seek out “lighter and cleaner” meal options. For extra energy to start a busy day, try this delicious, nutritious smoothie  … 1 cup soya milk (Recommendation: Woolies Organic Soya Milk is sweetened with apple concentrate, so is …

August 26, 2014
Authentic success is different for each of us. No single definition fits all because we come in all sizes. Authentic success is having time enough to pursue personal pursuits that bring you pleasure, time enough to make the loving gestures …

August 13, 2014
Following the incredible success of Simon Borg-Olivier’s workshops in Cape Town & Johannesburg, Yoga Lova is truly privileged to have Jim Harrington –  South Africa’s most esteemed yoga teacher – teach 2 incredible workshops at the end of August. About the workshops…. In these …

August 9, 2014
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The …

August 1, 2014
“The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside. And only she who listens can speak” ~ Dag Hammarskjold Join Swami Shankarananda Maharajji and the Gayathri Peedam Bhajan Group for a Sacred Mantra …

July 21, 2014
The Yoga-Co-Op are a group of 7 yogis and yoginis who have come together to create something beautiful within the Jozi Yoga Community. All the members of the co-op have an equal share in both the profits and the day-to-day …

July 18, 2014
[ For those who missed this interview on SABC 2 on “Health 365”, with Susan Sloan (Nia White Belt Trainer), have a look…..shows how Nia is not just a workout, it’s a lifestyle practice that takes you to live your …

July 11, 2014
Let your light shine: Guru Purnima is a day to celebrate the Guru, external and internal. It is a day when we pay homage and respect.  We acknowledge and give thanks to all those who help guide us along the …

July 11, 2014
Two monks had been walking in silence for many weeks on a pilgrimage to see their teacher. They came to a stream and discovered a young, quite beautiful woman stranded on their side wondering how to cross without being carried …

March 25, 2014
We celebrate the life and contribution to yoga Jaya made in South Africa. Jaya anchored the roots of yoga in South Africa. Together with her guru, Swami Venkatesananda, (great friend and contemporary of Yogiraj Mani Finger) and Mani Finger’s student …

February 21, 2014
An Invitation to Wake Up to the Joy of Life! Come and listen to the mystic fountain of the ancient sages of humanity…. It flows through the body of Shibenduji; it has in each generation of his family since his …

November 13, 2013
When confronted with adversity, when the odds are stacked up against you, you can either stand aside helpless or do the best you can. A timeless message from Prof. Wangari Maathai – Africa’s first woman recipient of the Nobel Peace …

October 29, 2013
2013 – An Auspicious Year for SA Guide Dogs. Last couple of days to win great prizes (eg.Honda Brio) and help SA Guide Dogs Association in their last fundraising drive for the year.  Closing date 31 October.  Click here to support or buy …

October 16, 2013
Bruce Masters is a Sivananda style Hatha yoga teacher and owner of Anantam Yoga Studio in Humerail, Port Elizabeth. Yoga stole me away from Tai Chi, not that it was for any lack in Tai Chi, but yoga had the …

September 27, 2013
Hanco Du Bruyn, is a Yoga Teacher and founder of “Green Tree Yoga and Wellness”  Westdene, Bloemfontein. Hanco had been practicing yoga with DVD’s for 2 years when he met his first yoga teacher Cherryl Duncan of Living Yoga in …

July 15, 2013
Are you looking for a suitable project for your voluntary 67 minutes on 18 July? Dedicate your 67 minutes assisting in making up food parcels for needy children and contribute R67 or donate your amount.

June 24, 2013
“At the still point of the turning world… there the dance is… Except for the point, the still point. There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.” T.S Eliot:- American publisher, playwright, literary/ social critic and major …

June 16, 2013
To all the Fathers who help to shape our lives… Happy Fathers Day!